Social Stewardship
Here at Keel Team Real Estate Investments we care about our residents and the communities they live in. What we do is about more than just hitting great returns for our investors. We pride ourselves on creating win-win projects for our residents and our investors through what we call “social stewardship.”
Social Stewardship is the careful and responsible management of the communities entrusted to our care.
Unfortunately, the stigma surrounding mobile home parks is getting bigger everyday. Single family housing homeowners and zoning officials alike are notorious for protesting and declining new mobile home park development plans based on the “NIMBY” or “Not In My Back Yard” stance. This makes it very hard to build a new mobile home park and the ones that are pre-existing are getting torn down and redeveloped at an alarming rate. Check out this article I wrote on about some of the reasons Why Mobile Home Parks are Disappearing?
We are focused on preserving the mobile home park asset class. We are also focused on bringing older mobile home communities back to life with an influx of new capital improvements through our investment dollars.
We don't
“Add Value” simply by raising lot rents an excessive amount.
We don't
Kick residents out of their manufactured homes for no reason.
Add affordable housing to communities that desperately need it.
Fix deferred maintenance and strive to make our mobile home communities safer.
Add new modern amenities to our mobile home parks.
Listen to our residents and invest based on their feedback.
Aim to keep our communities “Disney World” clean.
Aim for our investors to have several mobile home park investment opportunities annually.
Keel Team In The Press

Company upgrading mobile home park
Upgrading Mobile Home Parks →
Keeping Homes Safe
Keeping Homes Safe →