Interview with Manufactured Housing Infill Expert Ken Corbin
Andrew Keel
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Welcome back to the Passive Mobile Home Park Investing Podcast, hosted by Andrew Keel. On this episode of the Passive Mobile Home Park Investing Podcast, Andrew talks with long time manufactured housing infill expert and consultant Ken Corbin. Ken has been working with manufactured housing communities, mobile home dealers, and MHP developers for over forty years. During his time in the space he has branched out to work in five different countries and on three different continents. He has been labeled “Professional Speaker of the Year” three times and has a unique high-energy presence during his professional presentations.
Today Andrew and Ken Corbin will be talking about his illustrious background, his personal value add infill process, the importance of staging, different value add necessities, and his advice for new operators and passive investors. Ken has a wealth of information and has learned so much over his time in the mobile home park space. Listen in as Andrew picks Ken’s brain for details on Ken’s manufactured housing infill process.
***Andrew Keel and Keel Team Real Estate Investments (Keel Team, LLC) do not endorse any interviewee. This interview is for informational purposes only and should not be depended upon for investment purposes. ***
Andrew Keel is the owner of Keel Team, LLC, a Top 100 Owner of Manufactured Housing Communities with over 1,400 lots under management. His team currently manages over 20 manufactured housing communities across ten states – AR, GA, IA, IL, IN, MN, NE, OH, PA and TN. His expertise is in turning around under-managed manufactured housing communities by utilizing proven systems to maximize the occupancy while reducing operating costs. He specializes in bringing in homes to fill vacant lots, implementing utility bill back programs, and improving overall management and operating efficiencies, all of which significantly boost the asset value and net operating income of the communities.
Andrew has been featured on some of the Top Podcasts in the manufactured housing space, click here to listen to his most recent interviews: In order to successfully implement his management strategy Andrew’s team usually moves on location during the first several months of ownership. Find out more about Andrew’s story at
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Talking Points:
00:21 – Welcome to the Passive Mobile Home Park Investing Podcast
02:05 – Ken’s professional background
07:00 – The infill process (one of the more labor intensive parts of the business)
17:05 – Costs in the business, and value add necessities
25:02 – What new operators should expect for infill rates
26:46 – How long should a home sit when it’s for sale
30:05 – Top pieces of advice for new investors
31:58 – Advice for people looking for a syndicate
36:05 – Getting a hold of Ken
37:39 – Conclusion
Links & Mentions from This Episode:
Ken Corbin’s Website:
The Manufactured Home Show:
Ken’s Phone Number: 888.823.4945
Keel Team’s Official Website:
Andrew Keel’s Official Website:
Andrew Keel LinkedIn:
Andrew Keel Facebook Page:…
Andrew Keel Instagram Page:…
Twitter: @MHPinvestors
Andrew: Welcome to The Passive Mobile Home Park Investing podcast. This is your host, Andrew Keel. Today we have an amazing guest, Mr. Ken Corbin. Ken has a long and successful career in the manufactured housing industry as president of his own company. There were more homes sold at Ken’s address than any other address anywhere in the United States. I love that. That record still stands today.
Today, Ken travels throughout North America and has spoken to over 1500 organizations, including over 800 mobile home communities, retailers, manufacturers, and associations in the manufactured housing industry. His community management and consulting firm focuses on helping owners sell more homes, fill more spaces, spend less, and maintain better margins. Well, who doesn’t like that?
Ken Corbin is the author of eight books on sales growth, personal, and business management. His newest audio books growing Your Business and Selling the American Dream of Homeownership are each 10 hours in length. Ken has his MBA from the University of Michigan, go blue, and is an advisory consultant to the American Graduate School of International Management. Ken, thank you so much for coming on the show.
Ken: Andrew, it is my pleasure. I truly look forward to working with you and helping any way I can to your group of loyal and wonderful listeners.
Andrew: Awesome. Ken, would you mind starting out by telling us your background and what got you in manufactured housing?
Ken: This is my 40th year in the industry. Actually, I started out with a group that was based in southern California. It was a tremendous job for a single guy, because based in California, they had communities in Arizona, then over to Texas, to the Atlanta area, and then finally down in Florida. What they were looking for was someone to come in and help them to fill their spaces, because as we know in the mobile home park space, we want filled spaces. Their concept was, they did not want to lease homes. What they were looking for is owner occupied homes, because from their perspective, it would add more intrinsic value.
It was a terrific job. I started in California working with them. As we built teams and then worked our way over to Arizona, then onto Dallas, Atlanta, and then spent quite a bit of time in Florida down in the Pinellas Park area, Tampa St. Pete area. It was tremendous. From there, I was recruited by a company called Oakwood Homes. Actually in the early-mid 80s, they were the largest retailer of manufactured homes in the United States. Their primary focus was the southeast and everything west of the Mississippi River.
I took over all of their operations west of the Mississippi. It was structured and based out of Dallas. From there, they were acquired by Clayton. Of course Clayton, in our industry, is pretty much the behemoth. Owned by Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway, and what they’ve been able to do is to build a tremendous portfolio of one time communities. Most people do not know that they were one of the big players in the communities.
Eventually, they sold off their portfolio, but then I ran all their operations, in fact on a retail end in the southeast about 130 locations. Then I ended up buying my own company. Found a group of people actually out of New York, a couple of young guys. What they wanted to do is build a super company, and they wanted to do it on a private basis. We found some private equity in New York, put the deal together, spent $30 million, and started acquiring all these great companies, but unfortunately, the crash hit. When the crash hit, it affected a lot of people. Not only on the retail end, but of course in the community end.
Most people don’t realize this Andrew, but when that crash hit, over a period of 11 years, there were 10,000 companies throughout the manufactured housing industry, retailers, communities, manufacturers, lenders, suppliers, and so forth that ended up either putting the key in the lock and closing it permanently, being acquired, or filing bankruptcy. There was an 87% drop in shipments. In 1998, there were 375,000 homes delivered. That’s a lot of houses. In 2009, we went to less than 50,000. Acquired the company, it was really great, bought it during the downturn, and then ended up selling it to one of the key manufacturers. I had a lot of people calling me and they said, Ken Corbin, you’ve done this and this in the industry, would you start working with us in helping to increase our portfolios and increase our occupancy rate? Then I started working with a number of the associations.
I’ve been very fortunate to work across pretty much every state from California to Florida. Many of my clients are large community owners, syndicates, portfolios, some individual ownership groups. For the most part, working with manufacturers and community owners who are wanting to decrease their vacancy, increase occupancy, find better systems to operate, and so forth. That’s pretty much a short reader’s digest version of what I’ve been doing in the last 40 years.
Andrew: You’ve touched on several different parts of the business. I’d like to dissect that a little bit and maybe start with the infill, because I think that is one of the major things that you do. A lot of our listeners love the value add. As passive investors, we love the value add opportunities because of the juicy returns that they can produce.
Within the infill process which is from several other guests we’ve had on the show, they’ve confirmed my thoughts that the infill process is one of the more labor intensive processes when it comes to value add in mobile home communities. Can you tell us the nuts and bolts? Are you infilling used homes, new homes, a mixture of both? Then maybe you can elaborate on the intricacies. There’s not just one contractor. You got transporters, installers, footing, site prep, if you can just elaborate on that so we can understand it a little bit better.
Ken: Let me start off by what I promote, what I teach, and what I work with, or what I call the three Ps. Those three Ps include people, promotion, and process. When I go to a community, Andrew, when I’m talking to a manager or if they have a salesperson, because maybe they have a huge vacancy and I’ll say of those three, the promotion, people, and process, what is the most important thing? Without a doubt, they all say promotion. We want to spend more money advertising to get people to come in. They go on and on about the promotion. They never mention the people, they never mention the process.
Yet when I talk to an owner or an investor and I say okay guys, of those three, what are the most important? It is always process, because you and I know that people don’t run companies, systems run companies. I know you and I have talked in the past and you were a guest on my program, and you’re really big on the process. There’s a systematic way that you’re going to operate each and every one of your communities on a basic. Of course there’s little things that you’re going to do to tweak, but from the basics. The process has got to be in place.
Once you have that process in place, it’s much easier to plug in people. Promotion is actually third. I can even talk about it more. I can talk about products, I can talk about pricing, but the process is where it starts. I do a mixture of both new and pre-owned, and depending on the market, and depending on the state, it will dictate what I’m going to focus on.
Many states as an example are very stringent on their restrictions, regulations, loss, however you want to put it, regarding the placement of a pre-owned home. In other words, if you’re going to purchase a used home from John and Mary Smith down on a farm and you want to bring it to your community, in many states, it’s going to be highly restricted from the standpoint of inspections. Not only when you bring it in, but they’re going to do a thorough of all the mechanicals, electrical, heating, and plumbing. They’re going to double check footers, they’re going to make it even more stringent than it would be on a new home, because chances are, you don’t have a footer diagram as an example to know how that home’s going to go in. If I can get quality used homes or pre-owned homes, that’s always my preference.
I’m going to focus a lot of my marketing and I know you do as well, and I’d strongly recommend our listeners to do this as well, focus on buying good homes with good bones. I call it the bones. In other words, what’s the basics like? What are the walls like? What’s the mechanicals like? The electrical, heating, and plumbing? What’s the roof like? I mean the less that we have to put into a home, and the faster we’re going to turn it, you and I and our listeners all know that the more money we’re going to make, and our investment in that home isn’t going to have to sit and sit. Look for good bones.
I am not a fan of metal roofs. I frequently tell people there’s two types of metal roofs, those that leak and those that are going to leak. I’m not a fan. Again, there’s always exceptions to everything, but when you’re moving a home that has a metal roof, if it doesn’t have a leak now, chances are you’re going to have one probably within a year, maybe even sooner. In fact, likely more sooner. Be careful on buying a home. If you’re going to have to move it with a metal roof, if it’s already in your community and it’s got good bones, and it’s not an eyesore, if it’s maybe weak in a few areas and you can improve on it, terrific. Go ahead and improve on it.
Even if you’re going to make $10,000 but it’s not going to look good, in other words, you can’t shine a turd. Let’s be honest, you can’t shine a turd, but if you’re going to make a lot of money on it, it doesn’t make any difference. You’re not going to have happy residents around you. What we’re always trying to do is an increase of value of not only our homes in our community. We want to increase the value of all of our resident’s homes, because as their value increases, they’re going to become without a doubt, our best source for referrals, which is a whole other program.
Contractors, you mentioned contractors. Absolutely without a doubt, the most important key element if you’re going to get into the home sale business. That’s not only for pre-owned—our pre-owned would use, and new. When you’re talking about the new homes, the installation of a home is really essential to make sure that the footers are the proper depth, for the loads of the home. If you’re buying new homes, you’re going to get from that manufacturer a footer diagram and they’re going to tell you how many pounds as an example per square inch each one of those footers are going to have to carry, and they’re not going to be the same weight.
In other words if you get to areas around, let’s say the kitchen, the footers in that kitchen area are going to have to carry more load because that’s where your heavy appliances are, where your cabinetry and all that are. Generally, your utility areas are near the kitchen. Your washer, and dryer, your furnace, your water heater, all those loads have a dramatic effect. Be very, very careful if you’re going to get into the pre-owned and renovation business, it is a huge money maker. Start small, work in your area to find good quality contractors that you know you can trust. Where do you find them? I recommend going down to the local big box store, go into Home Depot, go into Lowe’s, go to the contractor desk and ask them, who are the guys that are in here frequently that you’ve heard about that are doing a good job? They’ll tell you.
Go to the contractor desk, ask them, become part of your association. The associations are absolutely incredible on value added education. As an example, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama. I do their continuing education and I’m leaving next week. I’ll be in Louisiana and Alabama doing all the continuing education. Not only for sales, but for community owners, and for developers, and contractors so we know what we’re doing. The key is find good contractors, then find your used homes. If you’ve not been in it before, start small, work your way up. If you’re going to be purchasing new homes, make sure because the new homes are much heavier, make sure that your loads on your footers and all that are in good shape. Make sure you have good electrical contractors.
The liability as an example and you know this, the liability that we take on as a community when we’re installing a home and a family is going to live in that, and heaven forbid Andrew that something happens to that home, oh my God, you can just imagine what we could go through. That’s just a reader’s digest version of what I thought about.
Andrew: Totally. I appreciate that. Most of our listeners aren’t actively installing homes and things like that. One thing that I think would be valuable as you mentioned your process, people, process, and promotion. Would you mind sharing a little bit about that with us just from real high level, because when we’re infilling in communities, it’s a time consuming process. Maybe you can shed some light on expected expenses, all-in costs to fill a lot with that new home versus a used home. Maybe if we’re going to develop a lot, how much would that cost to develop a new lot. Just so we have like a baseline knowledge of what those would cost and then have some more insights into what you mentioned about your three Ps.
Ken: Okay. Let’s talk about the difference in development of lots. If you have a space, let’s just say the space in a community that already have some basic footers and maybe you have the basic footers. In other words, the little round holes that are going down. Some of them all have strips going down the length of the home and then some of them will have cross strips, some of them will have going around the perimeter and then some holes in the middle, different types of foundations.
Andrew: Typically what you’re talking about is site prep, concrete.
Ken: Yes, exactly. Concrete. In rare cases, you’ll have a complete concrete pad. Those are wonderful to have because in many cases, you’ll just have to add some extensions onto it, not a full pad, but maybe some strips or some holes that you dig the footers and pour the concrete. Typically, we’re going to be talking about single section homes. In other words, single wide, the term that typically is used in our business. Again, depending on the state and depending on the rules and regulations that someone will be working with, I typically tell a community owner to anticipate around $7500-$9000 all-in.
Now, that’s not just the installation of the home, but that’s the tie down of the home. That’s all the utility connections, electrical, heating, plumbing, and if you’re in the midwest, you’re going to be doing a lot of gas. In the northeast, you’re going to be doing a lot of gas. That’s also going to then include the underpinning or the skirting going around the home. It will also include, I strongly recommend doing small decks. Small decks both on the front, a little bit larger on the front obviously, and then a small deck on the rear. Put on handrails, quality handrails.
Many states are going to automatically require it, many municipalities, township cities will automatically require it. Even if it doesn’t, put it on. You’re going to want to put some basic landscaping in. You want to make the home look good. If you’re ordering new homes, one of the things that I strongly recommend is on the front of the home where there’s a window, if you’re going to be ordering a home from scratch two things, number one, order of small bay window so it kind of bows out and then order what we call coach lights. Front lights on each side of the window facing the road. Then keep those lights on at night when the home is being shown or is available for purchase. You have a lot of our people obviously driving through the community at night.
The final thing that I recommend if you’re going to be displaying a home is when you put that back on to the front porch, you also want to run a breaker switch from the box inside the home out to where that deck is. When you come up to the home to show the home, hit one little switch and just the interior lights come on. Just the interior lights come on. That’s a separate switch from the two lights on the outside because you want to keep those on at night.
When you go in, you have the lights on automatically because we know the importance of having a home, what I call ham and egg ready, or having it properly staged. You turn that little switch, the interior lights come on, we go in, we show the home, we leave with Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, we go out, close the door, hit that switch, and all the lights come off. Thinking of staging. If any of our listeners haven’t been to a manufactured home show, the two biggest shows in the nation are the annual Louisville show which is in Louisville, Kentucky. That’s held every January. Unfortunately, it’s not going to happen this year.
That is a huge show. It’s driven really high by community owners and community investors. As you visit that show, you’re going to see probably 50-75 brand new homes. Every one of those homes are staged nicely. When you as an investor or as an owner of a community are walking in, you’re going to see how that home should look for your potential customer or resident.
Unfortunately what I see is they see these beautiful homes, they buy the home, they bring it in, there’s no furniture in it, there’s no lighting on it. It’s sitting on a space with some cheap steps up to it. We’re expected to go in and sell that home to someone. We bought it based on what we saw, we had what I call the awe factor. Awe, isn’t this beautiful? Now, our potential residents are going in. This is the reason why park owners, and investors, and managers, give away houses. You don’t have to give them away.
The typical retailer is making a 22% pretax profit on the sale of their homes. That’s before commissions. After commissions, they figure about 2% of the gross sales. They’re making 20% pretax profit on the sale of a home. You take a $50,000 home, they’re making $10,000 after all expenses. I see community owners all day giving away a house for nothing, for absolutely nothing, just to get a space filled. You don’t have to do that. They’re not just buying that home, they’re buying the lifestyle.
Going back to the people, the process, the promotion, what I typically see is on a community end, we’re not selling the lifestyle. We’re not talking about when they come in, let’s talk about where do your kids go to school? Let’s talk about the school systems in our area. What kind of shopping do you like to do? I love to go to Walmart, or I love to go to a Meyer store in the Midwest, or I like to go to the malls. Let me tell you the malls that we have in our area. Again, not only the schools. Let me tell you about the churches that we have in our area. Let me tell you about some of the activities that we have in our area.
Recreation, golf, fishing, hunting, we can’t describe our home buyer any better than some guy who gets up in the morning, goes out fishing, comes home and hunts a little bit, comes home that afternoon and watches NASCAR. That’s our home buyer. Then the wife is out shopping at Walmart. If you want to see our buyer, go get a lawn chair, sit in front of a Walmart store, and watch them coming in and out. We’ve got to sell the lifestyle.
Andrew: Obviously this is market specific, but tell me from your experience across the US, what is the typical infill rate? How many homes a month on average should a typical operator expect to occupy?
Ken: Good question. If you’re just an average operator, if you have models on display, you should have what I call a net increase of one per month. That’s a net increase of one per month. In other words, if you lose two and you gain three, you have a net increase of one. If you really want to promote it and do it properly, you can get a net increase, realistically, of 2-5. You can actually have a net increase of 16 units in one year if you want to aggressively go after that. That would typically be for a community owner that is walking into—and I’ve worked with these, that may buy a 200 space park and 120 vacancies.
Then we’re going to put together a team, because we want to fill that up as quickly as possible. I don’t have to tell you if you go from 80 occupied out of 120, and if you can take that up to 150, we know what the intrinsic value is going to be. It’s incredible.
Andrew: Talk about value add that’s…
Ken: Absolutely. If the vast majority of those are owner occupied, that’s even better yet.
Andrew: Even better yet. I was wondering, how long should a home sit when it’s for sale on average? How long should it be up for sale?
Ken: No longer than 60 days. By the time it’s finished, and that goes back to timing. In the winter months when we’re recording this right now, we’re on the 1st of December. It’s chilly. Right now I’m in northern Georgia. We’re supposed to have snow this weekend. In the Midwest, I was talking to a client this morning, they’re anticipating upwards of 5-7 inches of snow over the next couple of days. Sometimes it’s going to take a little bit longer, but for months the time the home is done until the time the home is sold, it should never exceed more than 60 days. If it does, you’ve got a few things that are wrong. It could be the wrong home, it could be the wrong price. It could be that it’s not staged properly.
The first thing that I look at is staging. I might take a home and just move around the furniture in the home just to make it look a little bit different. Sometimes believe it or not, the pricing is too low, there’s not enough value added. When I talk about value, the one thing that I preach to people that have communities is one sentence, and that sentence is very simple. It says that value is always more expensive than price. That value is not only the home, but once again going back to the community, we have to talk about the value of the community. Again, they’re buying the lifestyle.
To answer your question, 60 days. The sooner the better. If it goes past 60 days or it’s getting close, you need to really take a hard look at it. Sometimes you need to do a price reduction. We’re going to make mistakes. I’ve made tons of mistakes on buying homes. If I make a bad mistake and now if I’m at 90 days and I’ve done everything, yes, at that point in time, get rid of the home. Sell it for cost, don’t sell it for invoice, sell it for cost. You’re all in cost, because it’s taking up too much shelf space. It’s taking up too much of our capital. Blow it out, we made a mistake, bring something in new.
To do that what you do is you talk to your manufacturers, and get their top, what we call RSOs. RSO stands for Retailed Sold Orders. We want to ask that manufacturer, what are the models that are RSOs, that are selling the most in communities, not to retail customers going out on a private piece of property. They’ll have that data, they’ll help you with that, and you’ll make better decisions.
Andrew: That’s a great tip. Thank you for sharing that with us, Ken.
Ken: No problem.
Andrew: For passive investors, what are your top pieces of advice that they should know about the mobile home park space?
Ken: Start small. If you’re just getting into it right now for the first time, first 2-3, start very, very small. I do recommend if at all possible, getting into a syndicate, getting into a group. Don’t try to do it on your own the first time around. Learn the ropes and get close to the home. You want to spend as much time as you possibly can. I know Andrew when you buy a community, what do you do with your team?
Andrew: We move in. We get very close to that community.
Ken: Exactly. You and I have talked about this before. I can tell all your listeners, guys, listen to what Andrew just said. He is so good on this stuff. Get close, get right in with your communities. He will actually take some of his team and they’ll move into the property and they’ll be there for months on end. He’s going to be making some changes, he’s going to have to be answering a lot of questions. Getting close, buy close if you possibly can geographically so you can be there, spend the time.
Foot on the ground, walk the community, don’t drive through it. Your final walkthrough is a walk through. You’re going to walk every part of that community. You’re going to learn every blade of grass that’s in there. You’re going to want to know every crack in the sidewalks in the street. You’re going to want to know about where those leaks are and what you can do. It’s so important to walk it.
Andrew: For operators, I couldn’t agree more. They want to own their own communities. For those that want to invest in a syndicate like you said, would there be any different advice that you would give them before they make a passive investment as a limited partner at all?
Ken: If it’s from a syndicate standpoint, there’s a lot of good ones out there. Unfortunately, there’s probably more really not really bad ones, but bad ones and there are really, really good ones. I would recommend calling someone like Andrew Keel. Talk about what you’ve done, because you’ve done a remarkable job in less than 10 years, actually a shorter period of that then putting together teams, but look at the various syndicates. Talk to the operators, look at their returns, look at their numbers, look geographically where they focus.
There’s one group that I work with that’s based out of California. Even though they’re based out in California, all of their properties are in the upper Midwest. They have found that little niche of that area and the reason they do it, they use the spoke and hub concept. They’ll find one here and then they’ll work their way out. Maybe they started let’s say in Ohio. Then, they can work their way over to Indiana. They can work their way down in Kentucky, up into Michigan, over to Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and so forth. Start close, study the syndicates that you’re going to be talking to, walk to communities. Even if you’re a passive investor, go to that community, walk it, talk to the residents.
Just talk about, I’m thinking about moving here. They don’t know that you’re not going to think about moving here, and then people will tell you a lot. If you’re driving through, just stop and say, I’m thinking about this place. Tell me what it’s like to live here. They’ll spill their guts, good and bad.
Andrew: I do that after on due diligence and I have some amazing stories from that exact situation. One instantly came to my mind when I did that in a park in Edwardsville, Illinois. I said, I’m thinking about moving in here. What do you think about this place? We ended up having a 2-hour conversation but come to find out, his water pressure was low when he would take a shower. Out of that 2-hour conversation I said, okay, maybe this is happening in other parts around the park. I did find out that there was a water pressure problem. Things like that are valuable information. I agree with that.
Ken: Absolutely. As you go into a syndicate or you get into a group, you’re going to learn an awful lot. Eventually, you’re going to want to go on your own, but when you do your first one, once again, get close. Absolutely get close if you’re going to do your first one and then work your way out from there. Use the hub and spoke concept. There’s a lot of money out there right now, as you know. There’s a lot of money out there, but they’re not going to give that money to someone who doesn’t have a real good background. It doesn’t necessarily have to be just the mobile home park space.
If you’ve been in apartments, if you’ve done a really, really good job, storage facilities, a lot of people are in that space. Just single family residences use that experience, because if you’ve been in single family and I believe you were at one time if I’m not mistaken.
Andrew: I was.
Ken: That’s a real headache. Single family compared to the mobile home park space. You’ve got one over here, and you’ve got one five miles down the road. I’d rather have 100 of them that I can walk around.
Andrew: In the same one spot.
Ken: In one spot, yeah. That’s some of my thoughts on it.
Andrew: Awesome. Ken, thank you so much for coming on the show and adding value to our listeners. If any of our listeners want to get a hold of you, what would be the best way for them to do that?
Ken: A couple of things, let me mention a few things. I do my podcast and you’ve been a great guest. It’s called the Manufactured Home Show. If you go to my website it’s and then in the upper right hand corner you’ll see a little tab that says, Manufactured Home Show. You can click on that tab and you’ll see this incredible interview that I did with this really smart guy by the name of Andrew Keel.
Andrew: Thank you, Ken.
Ken: In fact, we just finished I will say, a great interview with John Rich of Big & Rich. He does the Comin’ to Your City song before all the ESPN football games. He’s doing a great job working on a community right outside of Nashville. We did a great interview with him. They can call me. My toll free number is 888-823-4945, or you can just email me. Go to my website, go to contact, and you’ll get a hold of me. I would love to talk to any of your listeners. Anything I can do to help increase our industry, the space that you and I love that we’re in, it would be my pleasure.
Andrew: Awesome. Thank you so much, Ken. We really appreciate it.
Ken: Thank you and I look forward to coming back with you soon.
Andrew: Sounds great. Alright, that’s it for today. Please hit the subscribe button to get locked in to receive great episodes just like this one with Mr. Ken Corbin.

Andrew Keel
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