Interview with Justin Donald the Lifestyle Investor
Andrew Keel
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Welcome back to the Passive Mobile Home Park Investing Podcast, hosted by Andrew Keel. On this episode of the Passive Mobile Home Park Investing Podcast, Andrew talks with Justin Donald. Justin is the author of “The Lifestyle Investor”, a book discussing non-traditional ways investors can create the lifestyle they want through cash flow investing. Today, Andrew and Justin discuss mobile home park investing in-depth. In this episode, the guys discuss what passive investors should look out for when investing into their first mobile home park. Justin Donald shares a few of his stories from his first mobile home park investment and what he has learned since in this alternative commercial real estate asset class. Justin Donald’s ethos is to create wealth without creating a job. Tune in for several golden nuggets and don’t forget to pickup a copy of “The Lifestyle Investor” book today!
***Andrew Keel and Keel Team Real Estate Investments (Keel Team, LLC) do not endorse any interviewee. This interview is for informational purposes only and should not be depended upon for investment purposes. ***
Andrew Keel is the owner of Keel Team, LLC, a Top 100 Owner of Manufactured Housing Communities with over 2,000 lots under management. His team currently manages over 30 manufactured housing communities across more than ten states. His expertise is in turning around under-managed manufactured housing communities by utilizing proven systems to maximize the occupancy while reducing operating costs. He specializes in bringing in homes to fill vacant lots, implementing utility bill back programs, and improving overall management and operating efficiencies, all of which significantly boost the asset value and net operating income of the communities.
Andrew has been featured on some of the Top Podcasts in the manufactured housing space, click here to listen to his most recent interviews: In order to successfully implement his management strategy Andrew’s team usually moves on location during the first several months of ownership. Find out more about Andrew’s story at
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Talking Points:
00:21 – Welcome to the Passive Mobile Home Park Investing Podcast
02:16 – How Justin started investing
05:45 – Justin’s first few mobile home parks
15:30 – Mistakes we can learn from
17:57 – The most important things that LPs need to look out for when investing in MHPs
21:36 – Justin’s perfect mobile home park
23:55 – How Justin implements his philosophy into investing
29:15 – The future of the mobile home park industry
31:40 – Getting a hold of Justin
33:32 – How Justin stays up to date on investment strategies
35:22 – Conclusion
Links & Mentions from This Episode:
Justin Donald Website:
A Free Copy of the Book:
Love Justice International:
“The Lifestyle Investor: The 10 Commandments Of Cash Flow Investing For Passive Income And Financial Freedom” by Justin Donald (Proceeds Go To Love Justice International):
Keel Team’s Official Website:
Andrew Keel’s Official Website:
Andrew Keel LinkedIn:
Andrew Keel Facebook Page:…
Andrew Keel Instagram Page:…
Twitter: @MHPinvestors
Andrew: Welcome to the Passive Mobile Home Park Investing podcast. This is your host, Andrew Keel. Today, we have an amazing guest in Mr. Justin Donald, author of The lifestyle Investor.
Before we dive in, I want to ask you a real quick favor. Would you mind please taking an extra 30 seconds and heading over to iTunes to rate this podcast with five stars? This helps us get more listeners and it means the absolute world to me, so thanks for making my day with that review of the show. All right, let’s dive in.
Entrepreneur Magazine calls Justin Donald, the Warren Buffett of lifestyle investing. He’s a master of low risk cash flow investing. His ethos is to create wealth without creating a job. Justin is also an avid mobile home park investor. I’m a big fan of chapter five in his book, The Lifestyle Investor, as it discusses mobile home park investing in-depth and how he got seller financing and a 36% cash-on-cash return during his first year on his first-ever mobile home park purchase, not to discount the 56% cash-on-cash return with a seller carry on his second.
Justin, we are so excited to welcome you to the show.
Justin: Well, Andrew. I’m glad to be here. Thanks for having me on and I just love what you’re doing. I love this world of mobile home park investing. I know you’re serving a huge need out there for people that want to get in the space but don’t have the time or don’t have the know-how. They can work with you and work with your organization.
I just love mobile home park investing in general because I think it’s such a powerful asset class, super safe on the downside protection, and there’s very little risk. But the upside is much greater than virtually any other real estate asset class. I’m just happy to be here.
Andrew: Love it. Justin, maybe you can start out by telling us your story and how in the world you got started investing in Manufactured Housing Communities?
Justin: Yeah. It’s an interesting story because people always wonder, well, how did you get into that? The reality is, when I first heard about it, I thought it sounded horrible. I was like, what? People invest in this, are you kidding me? Part of that is my experience based on a manufactured housing community down the road from where I grew up.
By the way, my parents lived in a mobile home park as well. I don’t have a whole lot of memories of that, but I have memories of them telling me about it. I’ve been able to drive by and kind of see that and see what that looked like for them at that point in time. It was the first home that my parents ever owned.
For me, I had a friend that we had always talked about doing real estate together. He was actually one of my top sales guys. I remember him saying, hey, I’m going to transition from single family homes, which he’d been doing for years, to mobile home parks because he felt like it was more lucrative, that you get better returns, and that it was less maintenance and management. He said, do you want to go to a boot camp with me? And I said, no, I don’t. Not at all. Not in the slightest.
Shortly after that, my friend—who was one of my top sales guys at my business at that point in time—ended up saying, hey, I’m going to be moving on. I don’t need the income here anymore. My passive income has exceeded my expenses. That was my first eye-opener where I thought, wow, I was thinking single family homes is where it was at. My next purchase was going to be a three-flat in Chicago, I lived in Chicago at that time. I kind of pumped the brakes and said, wow, hold on. Tell me about this.
For a while, I had invested just on the debt side of it. I would get a return. I mean, technically, I could be considered in some equity and some debt. But this is a super easy agreement. I’m getting a fixed return on my dollars. I was like, oh, wow. Well, getting a 10% return just on your money, that to me was great. I could work and do my thing. I had a business at that time. That seemed perfect.
But then I learned that my friend was actually making at least double that. So I was like, oh, he’s making 20%, so he’s at least making 10%. I’m making 10%. What if I did that and I made 20%? I said to my friend, well, why should I give you money if I could just do it myself? Luckily, he’s a good friend. He goes, you should just do it yourself.
I decided to embark on this journey and I ended up attending a boot camp and learned how to do it. It was just a great experience. I met some awesome people. The very first park that I bought created enough passive income that my wife was able to replace her job as a teacher. It was an easy transition for her to be a stay-at-home mom and to not have the demands of (I would call it) a pretty strict schedule, at least during the season of school.
Andrew: Justin, maybe tell us about your first park. I assume you attended the MHU Frank and Dave boot camp.
Justin: I did, yeah.
Andrew: I’ve attended it as well and a lot of other operators have, but maybe you could just tell us about your first park and what that property looked like.
Justin: Yeah, and I just want to give a major shout-out to Frank Rolfe and Dave Reynolds. Both of them have been incredibly helpful in my journey. Frank and I have become great friends. I talk to him all the time. I just actually had a pretty long conversation with him recently. He’s just a wealth of knowledge, a great resource, so I highly recommend them to anyone wanting to learn more.
That first park, I remember the downpayment being a lot. I think it was $65,000. It was the most money that I had ever spent at one time outside of my business, and it was pretty cool. I mean, with my business expenses, a lot of time I could spread it out over a period of time so it wasn’t like I had these big chunks of, but $65,000 is a lot. I remember having some sleepless nights like, what am I thinking like? You’re just going to put $65,000 into a mobile home park? I mean, come on. This doesn’t seem smart. I remember waking up in the night worried and anxious about that.
Later my rational mind would kick in. It’s like, hey, you’re following a program. This is a blueprint. Other people have done this before you. But I remember these internal battles of like, are you crazy? And then, hey, no, this is the playbook. Just follow the playbook. If someone else can do it, you can do it too. So I wrestled with that because the first park I bought aesthetically was really unpleasant to the eye. I mean, a very old park, very run down, not well maintained, and just an eyesore. But I just knew that it was the right thing. I knew that was the right move.
I even remember someone saying to me, I would not buy that park. That seems like a horrible investment, and this person was in the mobile home park space. They own another mobile home park. I’m like, oh great. Right when I made the decision I’m going to do it this is what they’re going to say. But I decided to trust my gut. I relied on the fact that, again, if someone else can do it and I copy what they do, then I can at least be as good as they are at it. That’s really where I took my confidence from and the reality is exactly that. I just followed a playbook that worked and it worked.
Andrew: That’s fantastic. I know you went on to buy more than just the first one. How many did you end up purchasing? I know in your book you mentioned you sold some of them. Do you still invest in mobile home parks?
Justin: Yeah. I love mobile home parks. I still think it’s the best investment in real estate. There’s a handful of real estate investments and mobile home parks are at the top of the list. Today, we’re a top 100 owner of mobile home parks. I just closed on a five-park portfolio just two weeks ago right at the end of last year. And then I’ve got a two-park portfolio under contract right now. I closed on another one last November. Within a three-month timeframe, I will close on eight mobile home parks.
So yes, I’m actively involved. I really like it. I think that there are really very few better places to invest. My second park looked a little more aesthetically pleasing. It was in a more wooded area with some hills. There were some homes that didn’t look as nice, but overall, it felt a little bit nicer. Buying that park with the income from the first and the second covered our expenses. It didn’t cover our lifestyle, but what it costs us to live, and that was a huge relief for me.
It was like I was walking around with this bag of maybe a backpack full of super heavy bricks. Once I got our expenses covered, it was like I could just take that backpack off. I could empty it out and just walk around with a super light bag because I didn’t have to worry about how we were going to pay the bills. Everything was covered—my mortgage, utilities, car payments, you name it. Everything was covered and that felt so good.
I followed that up with our third park purchase and that one covered our current lifestyle. We didn’t have a lavish life or anything but we love to travel. We love to do a bunch of cool stuff. I mean, from an outsider looking in, they may say that we had this incredible life. I looked at it as like, hey, we were always living beneath our means, but we did all the things that we wanted to do. So three parks is all it took for us to cover that quality of life.
Then we were able to flip a park in a year and a day. That park I ended up getting 105% cash-on-cash return on that one. One year and one day and then 1031 into two more parks that ended up producing even more income. It was just a really great experience. But inside that sale, I had a huge aha moment because not only did I have 105% cash-on-cash return, but the delta from which I bought the park and sold the park was tremendous. I made $500,000 on the sale of that park. I had worked really hard all year at my business and really what I did for a living and I didn’t make that.
By the way, I made a good living and I made a good income, but in one transaction with very little work, I mean, this was so little on the upkeep side of things and so little management. I mean, we’re talking not even 10 hours a week and probably 5 hours a week, I made more than I made slaving away for a whole year. That was the biggest game-changer of them all because I knew I could walk away at that point in time and just focus on real estate and passive income.
Andrew: That is fantastic, man. Kudos to you for like you said, breaking out of the rat race. It feels good when you’re able to get your passive income, real estate income to cover your expenses. How long, Justin, have you been in mobile home parks? When did you buy that first park?
Justin: I’ve been doing it for somewhere between 10 and 15 years. Since I’ve owned it myself I think it’s been right at 10 to 12 years. I had invested in others before. By the way, I started out slow. It’s not like I bought a whole bunch right out of the gate. If you hear what I did in the last three months you might say, oh my goodness, but I didn’t do that at the beginning, nor did I have the cash to do it.
Unlike you, I’ve never raised money to buy a park. I’ve just always used my own cash. I would work hard, I would save, and then I would use that as the down payment. I’d use leverage where I needed to, and I would try and do seller finance as often as I could. But I think over a short period of time, we were able to replace my wife’s income, cover our costs, and then cover our lifestyle.
Then from there every park beyond that was just either increasing our quality of life or just extra cash flow that could be redirected into other investments. That’s really where it gets fun. That’s where you move from it being where you’re trying to earn enough to pay the bills to, wow, money is really a game. I have all this surplus of cash flow. I’ve got to figure out what to do with it. It sounds kind of funny but it is a problem.
When you get too much money coming in, you feel like you have to do something with it. You don’t want to just blow it. For me, I didn’t want to just spend it all and have this lavish lifestyle. I never really desired that, but I wanted to be a good steward of that money and make sure that it was going to good use.
Andrew: Definitely. So tell me a little bit more, Justin, about your mobile home park ownership and maybe some of the toughest hurdles that you’ve experienced.
Justin: The toughest hurdles, if I were to say one, it’s really just figuring out how to manage them and recognizing that you may have some turnover because the tenant base that you’re working with is probably a little different than who you work with on a day-to-day basis. Learning how to have a different management style and work with people that maybe came from a different background, had a rougher upbringing, are making (in some cases) considerably less than you are, or are relying on government assistance. There’s just a different way to work with them.
I think that in the beginning, I didn’t do a good job of picking managers. There were a lot of turnovers. I really had to figure out how to work with them right, maybe even how to select the right people. But once I figured it out, we’ve got people that have been with us since day one of purchasing our parks. They are incredibly loyal and hardworking, and we just work with people right there on site.
We find people that are meticulous. They keep their property really nice, they want a nice community, and they’re willing to be vocal and make sure that other people are abiding by the park rules and being good community members.
Andrew: Definitely. Maybe you can elaborate on that. What are some mistakes in mobile home park investing that you’ve made that we could learn from?
Justin: I think that when you invest in a mobile home park, it’s really important to recognize that there are the numbers that exist under that person. That current owner’s management, there are the numbers that will exist when you own it initially, and then there will be the numbers that exist once you clean it up and you do what you need to do.
For me, I kind of look at it through three different lenses. What is the return profile based on the way that the park is, the way that it’s cash flowing today, the expenses that are in place, the mismanagement often that is going on, which is what you generally get when you buy a park 8 Especially if you buy it from an owner-operator who hasn’t adjusted rents the way that they need to, hasn’t really maintained the property, and they’re just ready to retire and be done with it.
But then, where you’re at and the way that you’re going to do things: cleaning up the property, getting rents to an appropriate level market rent, taking care of roads, trees, and the things that most people don’t do, trash. Going the extra mile and making sure the parks look nice. Having a nice fence, a nice sign, some flowers, and all the different things.
There are some costs in that, but then you have the ability to increase rent, you create a nicer community, more people want to move there. You increase revenues overall because of that. You find the expenses that were unnecessary. You can bundle stuff better, especially as you own more properties. You can save on insurance that way.
There’s a lot of ways that you can increase revenues, cut expenses, and obviously grow profit. Sometimes I think when you’re brand new you might look at something and you only see it for what it is. I think it’s really important to see it for what it could be, what it will be, and what you’ll transform it to because you might pay a higher price today with so much competition in every sector of real estate, every area. But if you know what it’s worth based on what you do, you might get comfortable paying what the market is today.
Andrew: Okay, yeah. That’s some good feedback. Justin, here’s a really important question. I ask this to everybody that I interview. What are the most important things that passive investors—we’re talking LPs here—what are the things that they need to look out for when investing in mobile home parks?
Justin: Well, I think that you want an experienced team, so that’s one thing I’d say. Does your team know what they’re doing? Has your team managed properties before? What is their track record?
In addition to that, what is the price point that they’re buying the properties for? Are they buying them above market, at market, or below market? I mean, I just love when you can buy a park below market because you’ve mitigated a whole bunch of risk in that instance, and mobile home parks are one of the few real estate asset classes where you can buy under market because most of the owners are just moms and pops, baby boomers looking to retire. It’s the least consolidated real estate asset class.
You’ve got 90% of these parks that are owned by individuals. Only 10% are institutionally owned, and so there’s this opportunity to be able to talk to someone who has their mindset on a certain price that they want and that’s it. They get it and they’re happy. Often they want to sell to you based on finding the right person that they like to buy it. There are just so many nuances.
I just think that you really want to find a group that knows how to operate, knows how to buy at a good price, and then knows the key things that you do. What’s the plan? How do you maximize profits? Well, you fill vacant lots, you increase revenue so you bring tenants into vacancies, and then the third thing is you cut expenses.
What is the game plan for that group and are they accomplishing those three things? That’s what I would look at first and foremost is track record, operations, what’s their plan? What are they buying this for? What does the pro forma say and recognize that they’re probably never going to hit the pro forma, but most people are too aggressive on the pro forma. Figure out what a realistic pro forma is.
Maybe cut whatever their pro forma is by 25%. Maybe take 75% of what they say. Maybe even take 50% of what they say and see what it looks like. Fifty percent of the increase is probably the better way to look at it because there’s a baseline of net operating income that you’re coming in at where you know the park is worth a certain multiple based on that net operating income. The plan is to grow it to X. Well, what’s that delta? Are they going to get all 100% of that or is it 75% or 50%? And making some decisions based on that.
Andrew: Awesome. The jockey matters more than the horse. A good operator can make a bad deal good, and a bad operator can make a good deal bad.
Justin: Keep in mind if you buy a good park, it’s really hard to mess it up. If you buy a park at a fair price and you have certain criteria for what you’re going to buy it for, maybe it’s a lot of city utilities so you’re not responsible for it. In many cases, it’s direct build. There are so many ways where it’s just virtually impossible to lose money. That’s who you want to invest with are the people that can find those deals and that they can buy at that price point.
Andrew: To piggyback on that, what does the perfect mobile home park look like in your eyes and why?
Justin: Well, there’s a lot of perfect. I mean, are we talking a statically perfect where it looks like a regular neighborhood? You’ve got sidewalks and you’ve got these nicely manicured homes and yards. You’ve got the new inventory of homes where they have pitched roofs and they look like a regular neighborhood or regular home. Aesthetically, that is the perfect park. A park where you can get agency debt—a Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac loan 30 years amortized at 2.5%.
Andrew: Buy it at a 10 cap, right?
Justin: Yeah. So that right there is the perfect park aesthetically. What do I care about more than that? I care about the numbers. To me, a perfect park is one that cash flows that has the ability to sustain the debt service on it and has the ability to pay the investors what they need to be paid, or if there are no investors, to just pay out the owner a really healthy return.
I don’t care as much. I mean, some of our parks look really nice. We’ve got one park that is just gorgeous. The roads are so wide in this park. It’s like taking a four-lane highway. You basically have two on each side, four across, and that is the road. It’s gorgeous. But we also have some just hideous looking parks and our hideous looking parks often are the biggest, best cash flowing parks.
I care the most about a property that can produce what it needs to, but also, to be able to build a community where people feel really blessed to be there. They’ve got a great place. They take pride in owning it and the community is safe, it’s nice, and people want to move in. Part of it is that it’s the right fit for the investors, but part of it is the right fit for the homeowners, for the renters, and for the people that live in that community—the residents.
Andrew: Definitely. Sticky residents are key. Just a few more questions here, Justin. Maybe you can shed a little bit of light on how you incorporate your whole life policy into your investing. I know you acquired your first mobile home park using that. Maybe you could shed some light on why you think that’s such a valuable tool for your life lifestyle investing.
Justin: Yeah, I just think the world of a great properly crafted, dividend-paying whole life insurance policy. What I do need to say as a disclaimer is that most policies are kind of crafted and created very poorly. They’re not done in a way that benefits the investor, client, or insured. If you take something just off the shelf, just a run of the mill type policy from a run of the mill type of company, it’s probably better than not doing it, but that doesn’t mean that it’s great.
I think you want to find a specialist that can create a policy that gives you the ability to have a lot of cash value early on, but not a lot of tail to wag that. You’re not paying this thing—some of these policies are 121-year policies where you’re paying them until you’re 121. There is an art, and there are very few people that can create a policy that is totally in the best interest of the insured and the purchaser and is actually in the worst benefit of the person selling it. That they make the smallest commission right upfront. I want to just give that disclaimer. You want to find the right person.
When you have that right policy, it’s incredible because it acts like a bank and you can borrow against that policy. I’m not taking my down payment. My very first park was $65,000 down. I didn’t take that money out of my policy, but I took out a loan against that policy. My money was still inside my policy growing, so I had a return there, but then I took the money as a loan against it and I put that as the downpayment of my very first mobile home park. So now I’m earning a return on the mobile home park.
I have the same dollars, the same $65,000 that’s earning me two different returns. I have a dividend that’s paying me about 6.5% and then I’ve got the return on that park. That first park was a 34% cash-on-cash return, I believe, or maybe it was a 36% cash-on-cash return. You add those together that is just an incredible return profile, and I’m now doing what the banks do where I am fractional reserve lending.
I’m taking the same dollars, getting two returns on it, and in the event that the deal doesn’t work out, I didn’t lose all my money. In the event that the deal does work out, I’ve got two returns. I’ve exponentially grown my net worth and I’ve done that with every single mobile home park we’ve ever bought. That has been my down payment. It has been a loan from my policy or the way I look at it is it’s a bank that serves me.
I can borrow against it. I don’t need approval. It’s my money. I have access to it. It doesn’t show up on a credit report. I actually don’t even have to pay it back if I don’t want to. It’s my choice whether I pay it back or not. I choose to pay it back because you get even better returns, and it’s just a win-win. There’s no way about it. If you look at the ultra-wealthy and you look at the tools that they use, there’s a handful of tools that you’ll see the vast majority of them using. The right structured whole life policies and other life insurance policies are at the top of the list.
Andrew: I love that. On top of it, the added bonus, the cherry on top is, oh yeah, there’s life insurance, you get a death benefit. But you use it for banking. I’m with you. I use it for the policy loans and get the double interest on it, but then on top of that, you have the death benefit. It’s a pretty awesome investment tool.
Justin: Anything ever happens to you, you’re covered and you’re taking care of your family. Because the reality is if you die and you’re the breadwinner, it’s the same thing. Financially, if that’s not in place, if you’re just grabbing your stuff, leaving in the middle of the night, not telling anyone, and literally just ditching your family.
I didn’t want that financial burden. I like that there’s the backdrop of it, but the interesting thing is, I saw the value in these policies before I even—at that point in time I was single. I wasn’t even dating anyone. My daughter hadn’t been born. I was 26 years old, nowhere close to thinking about marriage or ready to be married. But I started recognizing that all my wealthy friends, all the people that I aspired to be like, they were using this. I was like, I want to do that. I want to use it because I see it for how I can live with it today—the living benefits.
Andrew: Love it. What do you think the future of mobile home park investing looks like? How do you see mobile home parks fitting in with the direction the economy is going?
Justin: Mobile home parks are always in demand. It doesn’t matter what happens. If the economy tanks, people need a place to live. If the economy is thriving, people need a place to live. There’s a housing shortage in most cities in the United States. There is certainly an affordable housing shortage and people need this to live. But what you’ll notice is in times that are difficult financially—a recession, a pandemic, a financial erosion, or a 2008—whatever happens you’ll notice that a lot of maybe middle class type of families or people that are accustomed to maybe renting a single family home will end up in a mobile home park.
It is more affordable, they’re able to get a lot of what they got there, and this is how they can cover the bills. Often, your clientele changes a little bit, but you’re still full. There’s still demand, and I think that that’s awesome. When the economy’s booming, it’s the same thing. So to me, I like a recession-proof type of asset class. To me, this is as close as you’re going to get. It’s pretty darn recession-proof.
I mean, the future of it is you’re not really building more of them. You can, it’s hard. It’s hard to get the zoning. It’s really expensive. I mean, every year, mobile home parks are being redeveloped. About 100 get redeveloped a year. You’re at about 44,000-ish mobile home parks in the US, 100 get redeveloped a year. Maybe you’re building 10, probably tops. The builds these days are probably more RV parks than mobile home parks.
There’s supply and demand just in that. You can’t rebuild these in most cities. Most cities don’t want them, you won’t get the zoning, so there’s a limited supply. I love investing in limited supplies wherever it shows up. In this case, this is your most limited supply of real estate, and it happens to be in the highest demand area of real estate, which is affordable housing.
Andrew: Love it, Justin. Thank you so much for coming on the show. I know we ran a little bit long. If our listeners would like to get a hold of you or find out more about The Lifestyle Investor, what is the best way for them to do so?
Justin: Sure. Anyone can hop on my website. For your audience, anyone that wants a free copy of my book, they can go to They just pay for the shipping and we’ll send a book out to them. I’ll offer that up.
For anyone that wants to learn more about what we do, you can go to We’ve got an online course, we’ve got a master class, I’ve got a podcast, I’ve got a blog, and I’ve got a mastermind, so all kinds of really cool stuff. Something else I want to point out is I really like to shine the light on some of the groups that I’m partnered with.
There’s this group called Love Justice International that fights human trafficking. They’re in 25 countries around the world just doing great things rescuing kids. It’s incredible. All the proceeds of my book go to that organization. Wherever you buy it. you buy it on Amazon, if you get it on my website, just know that you are taking part in helping a movement that I think is one of the most important movements out there today.
I’m just thrilled to be able to help and highlight an opportunity for people to learn how to gain financial freedom, to break the chains of being a slave to money, success, or security, and help them live life on their terms financially free. But at the same time, I want the proceeds, the dollars, to buy people’s real life human freedoms back—the freedoms that they don’t have. I feel very strongly about Love Justice International. I just want to be able to make my dent in the world during the time that I have influence.
Andrew: I love that, Justin. Last question for you, what news outlets or content sources do you follow to stay up to date with your investment strategies?
Justin: I’ve done a lot of investments. What I specialize in today is cash flow. So the whole idea of lifestyle investing is basically investing in a way that supports the lifestyle that you desire to live. I have all these investments that I do and I find that the best information comes from those groups, from the groups that are out there, boots on the ground in the different sectors of whatever the industry is, whatever the investment is. Whether it be industrial distribution centers, mobile home parks, storage units, single family homes, or maybe it’s a whole nother genre of investments—cannabis, hemp, CBD, or ecommerce. The list goes on and on.
But I actually find that the best information comes from those individuals that are analyzing their market, their sector, or their area. Their newsletters, that to me is the greatest content. I’ve become a little more skeptical, a little more hesitant to take what I read from these big-name publications because I feel like there’s often an angle, I feel like it’s not accurate, and I feel like there are people trying to buy space. I take a lot of those with a grain of salt.
Andrew: Definitely. Well, thank you so much, Justin, for coming on the show. I really appreciate it.
Justin: Thanks, Andrew. Great to be here. So glad that we got a chance to connect.
Andrew: That is it for today, folks. Thank you all so much for tuning in.

Andrew Keel
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